Investor Relations

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Applied UV stock traded?
Applied UV is traded on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the ticker symbol AUVI.
When and where was Applied UV founded?
Applied UV was incorporated in the State of Delaware in February 2019 and is headquartered in Mount Vernon, NY. In August 2020, the Company completed an initial public offering on The Nasdaq Market.
When does Applied UV’s fiscal year end?
The fiscal year ends on December 31.
Whom do I contact about my stock?
For shareholder inquiries, please contact our transfer agent and registrar: : V Stock Transfer, LLC 18 Lafayette Place, Woodmere, NY 11598 - (855) 987-8625
Who is Applied UV’s auditor?
Mazars USA LLP of New York, NY
How can I access all of Applied UV’s SEC filings (proxies, prospectus, quarterly filings, etc.)?
Click here to review Applied UV’s SEC filings.
When and where is the Applied UV Annual Stockholders’ Meeting?
We generally hold our Annual Meeting of Stockholders in the month of June. Additional information can be found in our proxy statement for the relevant year.